Online Articles


Verhoeven, D. (2024) Let’s Shoot Equitable Movies And Not The Messenger*: Why Gender Equity Data In The Film Industry Seems Contradictory (But Really Isn’t). Medium. March 27, 2024.

Roxbotough S. (2024) Gender Equity in Film Will Only Be Reached in 2215 in Canada, 2085 in U.K., 2041 in Germany at Current Pace: Study. The Hollywood Reporter. February 20, 2024.


Coate, B., Eltham, B., Verhoeven, D. (2023) Film camera departments operate on a system of who you know, so what happens when you’re not a member of the in-group? The Convesation. August 8, 2023.


Moore, P. S., Gabriele, S. (2022) The Sunday Paper: A Media History. University of Illinois Press. [Journalism History Podcast Interview]


Taylor, S. (2021). Garage bands without garages? Lessons from music in cities. Cities People Love. March, 2021.


Loist, S., & Samoilova, Z. (2020). First Results from Our Survey of Filmmakers on How Their Films Traveled through Festivals. Film Circulation. January 9, 2020.

Moore, P. S. (2020). All I want for Christmas is a Hollywood blockbuster. The Convesation. December 9, 2020.

Moore, P. S. (2020). Show-boating and Race-baiting: Movies aboard the ‘Sunny South’In Media Res: A MediaCommons Project. October 12, 2020.


Loist, S., & Samoilova, Z. (2019). Getting Started on the Film Circulation Project: Studying Film Festivals with Various Data Sources. Film Circulation. October 29, 2019

Loist, S., & Samoilova, Z. (2019). Open-Media-Studies-Blog: Digitale Methoden und Open Media Studies: Skadi Loist und Zhenya Samoilova zur Erforschung von FilmfestivalrunsZfm Medienwissenschaften. Open Media Studies Blog. May 7, 2019.


Verhoeven, D., & Gregory, S. (2018). Honey, I Hid the Kids: Australia’s Screen Industry is Letting Down CarersThe Conversation. October 12, 2018.

Verhoeven, D., & Coate, B. (2018). Cannes of Worms: True Gender Equality in Film Will Take More than Just Add Women. The Guardian, (International Edition). May 22, 2018.


Elkins, M., & Coate, B. (2017). Would You Buy a Theatre Ticket for Someone Who Can’t Afford It? Now You Can. The Conversation. December 7, 2017.

Coate, B. (2017). The Economics of Ridiculously Expensive Art. The Conversation. November 27, 2017.

Verhoeven, D., & Burrows, T. (2017). Even Sweeter: What Happens When the Humanities Gets Graphic. Medium. July 31, 2017.

Verhoeven, D., & Coate, B. (2017a). When It Comes to a Diversity of Films, the Elephant IS the Room. IF Magazine. April 18, 2017.

Verhoeven, D., & Coate, B. (2017b). Coming Soon to a Cinema Near You? Ticket Prices Shaped by Demand. The Conversation. February 7, 2017.

Zemaityte, V., Coate, B., & Verhoeven, D. (2017). Coming (Eventually) to a Cinema Near You. Inside Film: If, 177, pp. 10–12.


Verhoeven, D., & Palmer, S. (2016a). Go Figure. Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance. December 7, 2016.

Verhoeven, D., & Palmer, S. (2016b). Women Aren’t the Problem in the Film Industry, Men Are. The Conversation. November 15, 2016.

Verhoeven, D., & Palmer, S. (2016c). Breaking Down the Paucity of Female AACTA Award Nominees: Guest column. Inside Film: If. October 31, 2016.

Jones, M., & Verhoeven, D. (2016). Treasure Trove: Why Defunding Trove Leaves Australia Poorer. The Conversation. February 26, 2016.


Verhoeven, D. (2015). Three Ways Screen Australia Can Actually Improve Diversity in the Industry. The Conversation. December 8, 2015.

Eltham, B., & Verhoeven, D. (2015). Philosophy VS Evidence Is No Way to Orchestrate Cultural Policy. The Conversation. May 29, 2015.

Taylor, S. (2015). Lost Venues, Long Nights: An Introduction to Historical Maps of Live Music in Sydney and Melbourne. Cordite Poetry Review. February 1, 2015.


Davidson, A., & Verhoeven, D. (2014a). Alwyn Davidson and Deb Verhoeven: Film Industry Calendar Revolves Around the Hobbit. The New Zealand Herald. December 12, 2014.

Davidson, A., & Verhoeven, D. (2014b). Bad Hobbits Die Hard: How to Make a Better Top 10 Movie List. The Conversation. December 11, 2014.

Verhoeven, D., & Burrows, T. (2014). Crowdsourcing for SerendipityThe Australian. December 10, 2014.

Verhoeven, D. (2014). Zombie Metrics: Why Australian Cinema Just Won’t Stay Dead. The Conversation. December 2, 2014.

Verhoeven, D., & Morris, B. (2014). Rankings Fever: Melbourne Goes Over the Top—Again. The Conversation. August 20, 2014.

Verhoeven, D. (2014a). Big Data at the Movies: The Kinomatics Project. The Conversation. August 14, 2014.

Burrows, T., & Verhoeven, D. (2014a). Digital Scholarship in the Humanities and Creative Arts: The HuNI Virtual Laboratory. Educause Review. June 2, 2014.

Coate, B., & Verhoeven, D. (2014). Only at the Movies? Home Truths About Cinema Ticket Pricing. The Conversation. April 29, 2014.


Verhoeven, D. (2013). Shelling Out for Tiles at the Sydney Opera House. The Conversation. December 16, 2013.

Verhoeven, D., & Astheimer, L. (2013). Short on Grant Money? Five Tips for Crowdfunding Success. The Conversation. September 18, 2013.