Industry Research and Reports


Loist, Skadi, Deb Verhoeven, Doris Ruth Eikhof, Elizabeth Prommer, Martha E. Ehrich, Pete Jones, Kevin Guyan, Amanda Coles, Sophie Radziwill & Aresh Dadlani. 2024. Re-Framing the Picture: An International Comparative Assessment of Gender Equity Policies in the Film Sector. Full Report Gender Equity Policy (GEP) Analysis Project. Potsdam: Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. https://doi. org/10.60529/390 


Leontyeva, X., Berezin, O., & Mudrova, S. / Леонтьева К., Березин, О., & Мудрова, С. (2023). The Russian Film Industry. Finale. (2018 – autumn 2022) / 30 лет российской кинематографии. Финал (2018-осень 2022) (p. 90). Nevafilm Research.


Loist, S., & Herbst, S. (2021). The Results of the FAIR FESTIVAL AWARD Survey 2020. Berlin, Potsdam. Workgroup Festival Labour in verdi; Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf.

Loist, S., & Samoilova, Z. (2021). Data Collection and Operationalization of Film Festival Categories. Zenodo. Advance online publication. (Working Paper).


Taylor, S., & Johnson, G. (2019). Service Use Patterns at a High-Volume Homelessness Service: A Longitudinal Analysis of Six Years of Administrative Data. Melbourne: Unison Housing. ISBN: 978-0-6482773-6-1


Leontyeva, X., Berezin, O., & Kuzmichev, P. (2018). Key trends in Russian cinema (p. 58). European Audiovisual Observatory.

Bundesverband Regie. (2018). Fünfter Regie-Diversitätsbericht des Bundesverband Regie e.V. (BVR) für das Jahr 2017: Gender-Analyse zur Regievergabepraxis in deutschen fiktionalen Primetime-Programmen von ARD, ZDF, RTL, SAT 1 und VOX sowie im deutschen Kinospielfilm. Berlin: Bundesverband Regie.

Coles, A. L., MacNeill, K., Vincent, J. B., Vincent, C., & Barré, P. (2018). The Status of Women in the Canadian Arts and Cultural Industries: Research Review 2010-2018. Prepared for the Ontario Arts Council.

MacNeill, K., Coles, A. L., & Vincent, J. B. (2018). Promoting Gender Equality Through the Arts and Creative Industries: A Review of Case Studies and Evidence. Prepared for VicHealth.

Verhoeven, D., Riakos, M., Gregory, S., Joly, E., & McHugh, M. (2018). Honey, I Hid the Kids! Experiences of Parents and Carers in the Australian Screen Industry Full Report.Prepared for WIFT.

Verhoeven, D. (2018). Redistributing Gender. Kinomatics.


Bundesverband Regie. (2017). Vierter Regie-Diversitätsbericht des BVR für das Jahr 2016: Genderanalyse zur Regievergabepraxis in deutschen fiktionalen Primetime-Programmen von ARD, ZDF, RTL, SAT.1 und VOX sowie im deutschen Kinospielfilmen. Berlin.

CPOW – Centre for People Organisation and Work. (2017). Doing Things Differently: A Strategy for the Gippsland Region (RMIT, Ed.).

Coles, A. L. (2017). Public Diplomacy Evaluation 2014-2016Prepared for the Public Diplomacy Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Cooper, R., Coles, A. L., & Hanna-Osborne, S. (2017). Skipping a Beat: Assessing the State of Gender Inequality in the Australian Music Industry. Prepared for the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance.

Elkins, M., Coate, B., de Silva, A., Ozmen, M., & Boymal, J. (2017). The Economic Impact of the City of Melbourne’s Investment in the Arts Programme (City of Melbourne, Ed.).

Hochfeld, K., Genz, K., Iffländer, V., & Prommer, E. (2017). Gender und Film: Rahmenbedingungen und Ursachen der Geschlechterverteilung von Filmschaffenden in Schlüsselpositionen in Deutschland (FFA-Filmförderungsanstalt, Ed.). Berlin.

Prommer, E., Hochfeld, K., Genz, K., & Iffländer, V. (2017). Gender und Fernsehfilm: Eine Studie der Universität Rostock und des Fraunhofer-Instituts im Auftrag von ARD und ZDF. Mainz and Köln.

Prommer, E., & Linke, C. (2017). Audiovisuelle Diversität? Geschlechterdarstellungen in Film und Fernsehen in Deutschland: Kurzbericht. Rostock University.

Verhoeven, D. (2017a). The Gender Offender Analysis: How and Why We Did It (Part One). Kinomatics.

Verhoeven, D. (2017b). The Gender Offender Analysis: How and Why We Did It (Part Two). Kinomatics.


Coles, A. L. (2016). What’s Wrong with this Picture? Directors and Gender Inequality in the Canadian Screen-Based Production Industry. A report for the Canadian Unions for Equality on Screen (CUES): a joint initiative of ACTRA, the Directors Guild of Canada, the Writers Guild of Canada, IATSE, Nabet 700-CEP, Union des Artistes and Women in View.

Prommer, E., & Loist, S. (2016). Where are the Women Directors? National Report – Germany (European Women’s Audiovisual Network, Ed.). European Women’s Audiovisual Network.


Prommer, E., & Loist, S. (2015). Who Directs German Feature Films? Gender Report: 2009-2013. Institut für Medienforschung, Universität Rostock.


Coles, A. L. (2013). Focus On Women: A Report on Gender (In)Equality in the Canadian Independent Screen-Based Production Industry. For Canadian Unions for Equality on Screen (CUES): a joint initiative of ACTRA, the Directors Guild of Canada, the Writers Guild of Canada, IATSE, Nabet 700-CEP, Union des Artistes and Women in View.

Verhoeven, D., Palmer, S., Seitzinger, J., & Randall, M. (2013). Research my World: Crowdfunding Research Pilot Project Evaluation. Deakin University.


Coate, B., & Fry, T. R. L. (2012). Better off Dead? Prices Realised for Australian Paintings Sold at Auction. Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI) Working Paper Series.


Coles, A. L., & Koch, K. (2011). Women, Work and Unions in the Canadian Screen-based Production Industry: Industry background paper for Women In View: Mainstreaming Media Diversity project. Status of Women Canada.


Coles, A. L. (2007). Youth Arts Programming in Canada: Practice and Policy (Canadian Cultural Observatory ‘In Focus’, Ed.). Department of Canadian Heritage.