
Journal Articles


Leontyeva, X., Koltsova, O. and Verhoeven, D. (2024) ‘Gender (im)balance in the Russian cinema: on the screen and behind the camera’, Journal of Cultural Analytics, 9(1). Available at:


Verhoeven, D., & Eltham, B.  (2023). “Nousferatu”: Are corporate consultants extracting the lifeblood from universities? Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies.

Brunow, D., & Loist, S. (2023). Desire lines: An interview on the sociality of film with B. Ruby Rich. NECSUS. European Journal of Media Studies, 12(1), 545–585.

Coate, B., Eltham, B., & Verhoeven, D. (2023). By a long shot: Power, devaluation and discrimination in a toxic cultural workforce. Australian Journal of Management, 03128962231179379.

Jia, M., Gabrys, B., & Musial, K. (2023). A Network Science perspective of Graph Convolutional Networks: A survey. IEEE Access.

Keilbach, J., & Loist, S. (2023). Green Media: Von Green Production zu nachhaltiger Medienwissenschaft. Nach Dem Film (21).

Loist, S., & Samoilova, Z. (2023). How to capture the festival network: Reflections on the Film Circulation dataset. NECSUS. European Journal of Media Studies, 12(1), 767–818.

Taylor, S. & Johnson, G. (2023). Examining tenancy duration and exit patterns in a single-site, mixed-tenure Permanent Supportive Housing setting. Housing and Society, 50:2, 182-205, DOI: 10.1080/08882746.2021.2009734


Ehrich, M. E., Burgdorf, K., Samoilova, Z., & Loist, S. (2022). The film festival sector and its networked structures of gender inequality. Applied Network Science, 7(1), 1-38.

Estill, L., Guiliano, J., Ortega, É., Terras, M., Verhoeven, D., & Layne-Worthey, G. (2022). The circus we deserve? A front row look at the organization of the annual academic conference for the Digital Humanities. DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly, 16(4).

Loist, S., & de Valck, M. (2022). Spotlight on Film Festivals in Ukraine Today: Accounts, Responses, Calls to Action. Journal of Festive Studies, 4(1), 116-134.

Mendell, M., Hogan, M., & Verhoeven, D. (2022). Matters (and metaphors) of life and death: How DNA storage doubles back on its promise to the world. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien, 66(1), 37-47.

Pérez-Escamilla, B., Benrimoj, S. I., Martínez-Martínez, F., Gastelurrutia, M. Á., Varas-Doval, R., Musial-Gabrys, K., & Garcia-Cardenas, V. (2022). Using network analysis to explore factors moderating the implementation of a medication review service in community pharmacy. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 18(3), 2432-2443.

Skarding, J., Hellmich, M., Gabrys, B., & Musial, K. (2022). A robust comparative analysis of graph neural networks on dynamic link prediction. IEEE Access, 10, 64146-64160.

Verhoeven, D. (2022). Scholarship in a Clopen World. image, (4).

Verhoeven, D., Musial, K., Hambusch, G., Ghannam, S., & Shashnov, M. (2022). Net effects: examining strategies for women’s inclusion and influence in ASX200 company boards. Applied Network Science, 7(1), 1-26.

Wang, Y., Jin, D., He, D., Musial, K., & Dang, J. (2022). Community Detection in Social Networks Considering Social Behaviors. IEEE Access, 10, 109969-109982.

Wen, J., Gabrys, B., & Musial, K. (2022). Towards digital twin oriented modelling of complex networked systems and their dynamics: a comprehensive survey. IEEE Access.


Coles, A., Eikhof, D. R. (2021). On the basis of risk: how screen executives’ risk perceptions and practices drive gender inequality in directingGender, Work, & Organization. 

Coate, B., Hoffmann, R. (2021). The behavioural economics of cultureJ Cult Econ

Hoffmann, R., Coate, B., Chuah, SH. Arenius, P. (2021).  What Makes an Artrepreneur?J Cult Econ

Vincent, C., Glow, H., Johanson, K., Coate, B. (2021). Who did you meet at the Venice Biennale? Education-to-work transition enhancers for aspiring arts professionals in Australia. Work, Employment & Society.


Verhoeven, D., Moore, P.S., Coles, A., Coate, B., Zemaityte, V., Musial, K., Prommer, E.,  Mantsio, M., Taylor, S., Eltham, B., Loist, S., & Davidson, A. (2020). “Disciplinary itineraries and digital methods: Examining the Kinomatics collaboration networks”. NECSUS European Journal of Media Studies (Special issue on Method). DOI:

Verhoeven D, Musial K, Palmer S, Taylor S, Abidi S, Zemaityte V, et al. (2020) Controlling for openness in the male-dominated collaborative networks of the global film industry. PLoS ONE 15(6): e0234460.

Phillips, S., & Verhoeven, D. (2020) ‘“How Do We Live Together Without Killing Each Other” – Indigenous and Feminist Perspectives on Relationality’ Journal of Communication, Culture, and Critique

Eltham, B., & Verhoeven, D. (2020). A ‘natural experiment’in Australian cultural policy: Australian Government funding cuts disproportionately affect companies that produce more new work and have larger audiences. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 26(1), 81-94.

Jones, P., Quinn, E., & Koskinen, J. (2020). Measuring centrality in film narratives using dynamic character interaction networks. Social Networks 63, 21-37. DOI: 10.1016/j.socnet.2020.03.003.

Jones, P. (2020). Diana in the World of Men: a character network approach to analysing gendered vocal representation in Wonder Woman. Feminist Media Studies 20 (1), 18-34. DOI: 10.1080/14680777.2018.1510846. (First published online in 2018)

Loist, S. (2020). Zirkulation im Netzwerk: Eine Betrachtung zur Zirkulationskraft von Filmfestivals. Zeitschrift Für Medienwissenschaft (23), 55-63.

Verhoeven, D., Loist, S., & Moore, P. S. (2020). (Inter)Disziplinäre Routen und digitale Praxis: Kinomatics und die industrielle Geometrie der globalen Kinoforschung. Montage AV: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Geschichte audiovisueller Kommunikation, 29(1), 173-184.

Taylor, S. (2020). Making and unmaking a rooming house: Unison and’Marj Oke’. Parity, 33(7), 50-51.

Watson, J., Johnson, G., & Taylor, S. (2020). Longer-term housing outcomes for low-income households in private rental: An evaluation of the Unison private rental access program. Parity, 33(5), 28-29.


Bródka, P., Musial, K., & Jankowski, J. (2019). Interacting Spreading Processes in Multilayer Networks.

Loist, S., & Verhoeven, D. (2019). Complex not Complicated: Gendered Media Industries in the Wake of #MeToo. Media Industries, 6(1), pp. 67–71.

Moore, P.S. (2019) ‘Bought, Sold, Exchanged and Rented’: the early film exchange and the market in second-hand films in New York Clipper classified ads, Film History 31(2): 1-31. DOI:

Musial, K., Bródka, P., & de Meo, P. (2019). Analysis and Applications of Complex Social Networks 2018. Complexity, (2019), 1–2.

Prommer, E. & Loist, S. (2019). Gendered Production Culture in the German Film Industry. Media Industries, 6(1), pp. 95–115.

Verhoeven, D., Coate, B., & Zemaityte, V. (2019). Re-Distributing Gender in the Global Film Industry: Beyond #MeToo and #MeThree. Media Industries, 6(1), pp. 135–155.

Verhoeven, D., Moore, P. S., Zemaityte, V., Loist, S. & Samoilova, Z. (2019). Intellectual Networks and Cultural Networks: Kinomatics and the Complex Cultural Geometry of Cinema, Global Digital Humanities 2019: “Complexities”, Utrecht.

Wahid-Ul-Ashraf, A., Budka, M., & Musial, K. (2019a). Simulation and Augmentation of Social Networks for Building Deep Learning Models.

Wahid-Ul-Ashraf, A., Budka, M., & Musial, K. (2019b). How to Predict Social Relationships—Physics-inspired Approach to Link Prediction. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, (523), pp. 1110–1129.


Loist, S. (2018). Filmfestivals, theoretisch und methodisch: Zum Stand der Filmfestivalforschung. Maske und Kothurn, 64 (3), 11–26.

Dawson, L., & Loist, S. (2018). Queer/ing Film Festivals: History, Theory, Impact. Studies in European Cinema, 15 (1), 1–24.

Coles, A. L., Macdonald, F., & Delaney, A. (2018). Gender and Informality at Work – Theoretical Provocations: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Gender and Informality. Labour & Industry: A Journal of the Social and Economic Relations of Work, 28(2), pp. 93–98.

Götz, M., Hofmann, O., Mendel, C., Lemish, D., Scherr, S., Gozansky, Y., Huang, K., Prommer, E., Russo-Johnson, C., Sanabria, E. & Whitaker, L. (2018). Whose Story is Being Told? Results of an Analysis of Children’s TV in 8 Countries. TelevIZIon, (31), pp. 61–65.

Kendrick, L., Musial, K., & Gabrys, B. (2018). Change Point Detection in Social Networks: Critical Review with Experiments. Computer Science Review, (29), pp. 1–13.

Loist, S. (2018). Gendered Media Industries: Argumente für eine geschlechtergerechte und diverse Filmindustrie. Navigationen, 18(2), pp. 135–158.

Prommer, E. (2018). US-Blockbuster-Marketing in Deutschland. Navigationen, 18(2), pp. 159–176.

Qin, M., Di Jin, Lei, K., Gabrys, B., & Musial-Gabrys, K. (2018). Adaptive Community Detection Incorporating Topology and Content in Social Networks. Knowledge-Based Systems, (161), pp. 342–356.

Taylor, S. (2018a). A Place to Play: An Historical Geographical Perspective on Live Music and Poker Machines in Australian Pubs. Historic Environment, (30), pp. 112–133.

Taylor, S. (2018b). Making it in the Melbourne Music Scene: Post-punk and Post-post-punk’, In Proceedings of the 14th Australasian Urban History Planning History Conference (UHPH 2018), Melbourne, Australia.

Taylor, S., & Munguia, P. (2018). Towards a Data Archiving Solution for Learning Analytics. In A. Pardo, K. Bartimote-Aufflick, G. Lynch, S. B. Shum, R. Ferguson, A. Merceron, & X. Ochoa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge—LAK ’18, pp. 260–264.

Verhoeven, D., Musial, K., Palmer, S., Taylor, S., Simpson, L., Zemaityte, V. & Abedi, S. (2018). Solving the Problem of the “Gender Offenders”: Controlling Collaborative Network Evolution to Optimize Openness. Global Digital Humanities 2018: “Bridges”, Mexico City.

Wahid-Ul-Ashraf, A., Budka, M., & Musial-Gabrys, K. (2018). Newton’s Gravitational Law for Link Prediction in Social Networks. In C. Cherifi, H. Cherifi, M. Karsai, & M. Musolesi (Eds.), Complex Networks & Their Applications VI, pp. 93–104.

Zemaityte, V., Coate, B., & Verhoeven, D. (2018). Media Trade Beyond Country Borders: Five Types of Global Cinema Distribution. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Zemaityte, V., Verhoeven, D., & Coate, B. (2018). Understanding the Dynamics between the United States and Australian Film Markets: Testing the 10% Rule. Studies in Australasian Cinema, 12(1), pp. 56–69.

Zhang, J., McBurney, P., & Musial, K. (2018). Convergence of Trading Strategies in Continuous Double Auction Markets with Boundedly-Rational Networked Traders. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 50(1) pp. 301–352.


Coate, B., Verhoeven, D., Palmer, S., & Arrowsmith, C.  (2017). Using Big Cultural Data to Understand Diversity and Reciprocity in the Global Flow of Contemporary Cinema, In Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Measurement of Digital Cultural Products, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Montreal, Canada, pp. 141-151.

Coate, B., Verhoeven, D., & Davidson, A. (2017). The Cinema Cities Index: Comparing Urban Cinema Cultures around the World. Media International Australia, 163(1), pp. 163–175.

de Meo, P., Musial-Gabrys, K., Rosaci, D., Sarnè, G. M. L., & Aroyo, L. (2017). Using Centrality Measures to Predict Helpfulness-Based Reputation in Trust Networks. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 17(1), pp. 1–20.

Gao, F., Musial, K., & Gabrys, B. (2017). A Community Bridge Boosting Social Network Link Prediction Model. In J. Diesner, E. Ferrari & X. Guandong (Ed.), ASONAM ’17 Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining 2017. Sydney, Australia, July 31-August 3. pp. 683–689.

Musial, K., Bródka, P., & de Meo, P. (2017). Analysis and Applications of Complex Social Networks. Complexity, 2017.

Prommer, E., & Linke, C. (2017). Das Menschenbild der Medien: Frauen sind jung und schlank – Männer erklären die Welt. Research & Results, (7), pp. 65–69.

Prommer, E., Linke, C., & Stüwe, J. (2017). Is the Future Equal? Geschlechterrepräsentationen im Kinderfernsehen. TelevIZIon, 30(2), pp. 4–10.


Musial-Gabrys, K., Abdullaev, S., & McBurney, P. (2016). Pricing Options with Portfolio-based Option Trading Agents in Direct Double Auction. In G. A. Kaminka (Ed.), Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016), pp. 1754–1755.

Burrows, T., & Verhoeven, D. (2016a). Aggregating Data for Social Linking in the Humanities and Creative Arts: The Humanities Networked Infrastructure HuNI. Signa: Revista de La Asociación Española de Semiótica, (25) pp. 109-119.

Burrows, T., & Verhoeven, D. (2016b). Libraries and the Digital Humanities: Partnership, Collaboration and Shared Agendas. In Proceedings of the VALA2016 Conference, February 10, 2016, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Coles, A. L. (2016). Creative Class Politics: Unions and the Creative Economy. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 22(3), pp. 456–472.

Dourish, P., Cruz, G., Horst, E., Lupton, D., Pink, S., Postill, J., Sumartojo, S., & Verhoeven, D. (2016). Data Ethnographies 4: Data Stories. Data Ethnographies Lab.

Moore, P.S. (2016) Ephemera as Medium: The Afterlife of Lost Films. The Moving Image 15(2): 134-139. DOI:

Musial, K., Brodka, P., & Magnani, M. (2016). Social Network Analysis in Applications. AI Communications, 29(1), pp. 55–56.

Palmer, S., & Verhoeven, D. (2016). Crowdfunding Academic Researchers: The Importance of Academic Social Media Profiles. In C. Bernadas & D. Minchella (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Social Media, pp. 291–299.

Verhoeven, D. (2016a). As Luck Would Have It. Feminist Media Histories, 2(1), pp. 7–28.

Verhoeven, D. (2016b). Visualising Data in Digital Cinema Studies: More Than Just Going Through the Motions? Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media, (11), pp. 92–104.


Coate, B., Verhoeven, D., Davidson, A., Arrowsmith, C., & Zemaityte, V. (2015). Feature Film Diversity on Australian Cinema Screens: Implications for the Domestic Film Industry. Proceedings of the XVIIth Film and History Association of Australia and New Zealand (FHAANZ) Conference. Presented at the Queensland University of Technology. Queensland University of Technology.

Verhoeven, D., & Coate, B. (2015). Counting the Cost: The Impact of Cinema Ticket Prices in Australia. Metro, (186), pp. 118–123.

Coles, A. L. (2015). Time, Space and Power: Introduction to the Special Issue on the Making and Remaking of Unions, Community, Work and Family Life. Labour & Industry: A Journal of the Social and Economic Relations of Work, 25(1), pp. 1–8.

Davidson, A., Verhoeven, D., & Arrowsmith, C. (2015). Petal Diagrams: A New Technique for Mapping Historical Change in the Film Industry. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 9(2), pp. 142–163.

Gao, F., Musial, K., Cooper, C., & Tsoka, S. (2015). Link Prediction Methods and Their Accuracy for Different Social Networks and Network Metrics. Scientific Programming, 2015(3), pp. 1–13.

Johnson, A., & Arrowsmith, C. (2015). Techniques for Analyzing the Relationship between Population Density and Geographical Features of Interest. Procedia Environmental Sciences, (27), pp. 89–93.

Loist, S. (2015). Crossover Dreams: Global Circulation of Queer Film on the Film Festival Circuits. Diogenes, 62(1), pp. 57–72.

Moore, P.S. (2015) Space, Place and Case: Surveying the Grounds of Cinema History. Early Popular Visual Culture 13(4): 336-343. A review essay of Hallam & Roberts (2014), Bean, Kapse & Horak (2014), and Cinquegrani (2014). DOI:

Prommer, E. (2015). Die Generation 50plus im Kino. Medien Und Altern, Vol. 7, pp. 79–92.

Verhoeven, D., Davidson, A., & Coate, B. (2015). Australian Films at Large: Expanding the Evidence about Australian Cinema Performance. Studies in Australasian Cinema, 9(1), pp. 7–20.

Verhoeven, D., & Burrows, T. (2015). Aggregating Cultural Heritage Data for Research Use: The Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI). In E. Garoufallou, R. J. Hartley, & P. Gaitanou (Eds.), Metadata and Semantics Research: Proceedings, pp. 417–423.


Arrowsmith, C., Verhoeven, D., Davidson, A., & Coate, B. (2014). Kinomatics: A Global Study into Cinema Data. In Proceedings of the Geospatial Science Research 3 Symposium (GSR_3).

Arrowsmith, C., Verhoeven, D., & Davidson, A. (2014). Exhibiting the Exhibitors: Spatial Visualization for Heterogeneous Cinema Venue Data. The Cartographic Journal, 51(4), pp. 301–312.

Avital, M., Andersson, M., Nickerson, J., Sundararajan, A., van Alstyne, M., & Verhoeven, D. (2014). The Collaborative Economy: A Disruptive Innovation or Much Ado about Nothing? (Panel). In E. Karahanna, A. Srinivasan, & B. Tan (Eds.), Thirty Fifth International Conference on Information Systems, pp. 1–7.

Burrows, T., & Verhoeven, D. (2014). Linking and Sharing Data in the Humanities and Creative Arts: Building the HuNI Virtual Laboratory. In Proceedings of VALA2014, February 6, 2014, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Loist, S. (2014). Teaching Film Festivals: Between Theory and Practice. Dossier: Film Festival Pedagogy: Using the Film Festival in or as a Film Course. Scope: An Online Journal of Film & TV Studies, (26), pp. 12–15.

Musial, K., Bródka, P., Kazienko, P. & Gaworecki, J. (2014). Extraction of Multilayered Social Networks from Activity Data. The Scientific World Journal, (2014),

Owen, S., Verhoeven, D., Horn, A., & Robertson, S. (2014). Collaboration Success in the Dataverse Libraries as Digital Humanities Research Partners. Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences. Paper 1.

Prommer, E. (2014). Stirring Up a Good Comedy: The Recipe for Funny Children’s Television. TelevIZIon, (27), pp. 26–29.

Sichler, A., & Prommer, E. (2014). Gender Differences Within the German-Language Wikipedia. Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies, (7), pp. 53–75.

Taylor, S., Arrowsmith, C., & Cook, N. T. (2014). A Band on Every Corner: Using Historical GIS to Describe Changes in the Sydney and Melbourne Live Music Scenes. In Proceedings of the Geospatial Science Research 3 Symposium (GSR_3), December 1, 2014. School of Mathematical and Geospatial Science, RMIT University, Melbourne.

Verhoeven, D., Davidson, A., Gionfriddo, A., Verhoeven, J., & Gravestock, P. (2014). Turning Gigabytes into Gigs: Songification and Live Music Data. Akademisk Kvarter / Academic Quarter, (9), pp. 151–163.


Budka, M., Juszczyszyn, K., Musial, K., & Musial, A. (2013). Molecular Model of Dynamic Social Network Based on E-mail Communication. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 3(3), pp. 543–563.

Coles, A. L., & Fairbrother, P. (2013). The Dilemmas of Union Capacity: Organising the Entertainment Industry. In N. Osbaldiston, C. Strong, & H. Forbes-Mewett (Eds.), Reflections, Intersections and Aspirations: Proceedings of the Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference, November 25-28, 2013, pp. 1–10. Monash University, Melbourne, (AU).

Musial, K., Budka, M., & Juszczyszyn, K. (2013). Creation and Growth of Online Social Network: how do Social Networks Evolve? World Wide Web Journal, 16(4), pp. 421–447.

Musial, K., & Kazienko, P. (2013). Social Networks on the Internet. World Wide Web Journal, 16(1), pp. 31–72.

Verhoeven, D. (2013). Twice Born: Dionysos Films and the Establishment of a Greek Film Circuit in Australia (updated). Filmicon, Journal of Greek Film Studies, 1(1).


Moore, P. S. (2012). Mapping the Mass Circulation of Early Cinema: Film Debuts Coast-to-Coast in Canada in 1896 and 1897. Canadian Journal of Film Studies | Revue Canadienne d’Études Cinématographiques, 21(1), pp. 58–80.

Verhoeven, D. (2012). New Cinema History and the Computational Turn. In WCCA 2012: ‘Beyond Art, Beyond Humanities, Beyond Technology: A New Creativity’: Proceedings of the World Congress of Communication and the Arts Conference, University of Minho, Portugal.


Arrowsmith, C., & Verhoeven, D. (2011). Visual Methods for Showing Cinema Circuits at Varying Temporal and Spatial Scales. In Arrowsmith, C., Bellman, C., Cartwright, W., Jones, S. & Shortis, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Geospatial Science Research Symposium, Proceedings of the 2011 Geospatial Science Research_1 Symposium, 1–16. Melbourne, Australia.

Arrowsmith, C., Verhoeven, D., & Davidson, A. (2011). A Method for Detecting Geographical Cinema Circuits Using Markov Chains. In Ruas, A. (Ed.) Advances in Cartography and GIScience. Volume 2. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, (6), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (GER). pp. 163-178.

Davidson, A., Arrowsmith, C., & Verhoeven, D. (2011). A Method for the Visual Representation of Historic Multivariate Point Data. In A. Ruas (Ed.), Advances in Cartography and GIScience, pp. 163–178.

Loist, S. (2011). Precarious Cultural Work: About the Organization of (Queer) Film Festivals. Screen, 52(2), pp. 268–273.


Coles, A. L. (2010). Unintended Consequences: Examining the Impact of Tax Credit Programmes on Work in the Canadian Independent Film and Television Production Sector. Cultural Trends, 19(1–2), pp. 109–124.

Verhoeven, D. (2010). Coming Soon (to a Theatre near You): The Temporality of Global Film Distribution to Australia. Media International Australia, Incorporating Culture & Policy, (136), pp. 146–161.

Verhoeven, D., Arrowsmith, C., & Davidson, A. (2010). The Role of GIS and Spatial Analyses for Understanding Historical Change in the Post-war Film Industry: An Interdisciplinary Case Study Approach. In Mapping the City in Film. A Geo-Historical Analysis: Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Conference. University of Liverpool, CD. February 25-26, 2010.

Verhoeven, D., & Cameron, A. (2010). Above the Bottom Line: Analysing the Culture of Australian Screen Content Producers. Lumina: Journal of Screen Arts and Business, (6), pp. 40–61.


Bowles, K., Maltby, R., Verhoeven, D., & Walsh, M. (2007). More than Ballyhoo? The Importance of Understanding Film Consumption in Australia. Metro, (152), pp. 96–101.

Verhoeven, D. (2007). Twice Born: Dionysos Films and the Establishment of a Greek Film Circuit in Australia. Studies in Australasian Cinema, 1(3), pp. 275–298.

Coles, A. L. (2006). Acting in the Name of Culture? Organized Labour Campaigns for Canadian Dramatic Programming. Canadian Journal of Communication, 31(3), pp. 519-540.