The Kinomatics team participates in several international research collaborations. We are currently working on the following initiatives:
International Screen Industries Consortium (ISICon)
In December 2016, Deb Verhoeven (kinomatics) and Skadi Loist (University of Rostock) established an international network of screen industry researchers and organisations to analyse the relative position of women in film industries across the globe.
ISICon has three major objectives:
1. To enable researchers to undertake meaningful comparative studies of different screen industry jurisdictions (or territories)
2. To assess the impact of different policy mechanisms across those jurisdictions and to establish an international evidence base for policymakers looking to improve equity in screen industries
3. To apply new digital research techniques such as Social Network Analysis to understand how different jurisdictions overlap and to assess the impact of gendered creative networks on the screen industries at international scale
The network comprises of individual and organisational members from eleven film industries (with more to follow) covering the vast majority of screen production centres around the world. Currently included are Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, New Zealand, Romania, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States.
This international network brings together existing studies on local and regional data for the first time and tackles methodological challenges for assessing local differences and global similarities in data-driven studies.
Contact Deb Verhoeven: deb[dot]verhoeven[at]deakin[dot]edu[dot]au or Skadi Loist: skadi[dot]loist[at]uni-rostock[dot]de for further information.
Working Group for Expanded Screen Industry Data
This international collaboration collects and analyses media and creative industries data in relation to other forms of data (geo-spatial, demographic, financial and so on). The initiative will develop new methods like network analysis, visualization techniques and address questions of data interoperability for their use within the field of media and communication studies to shed light on issues such as gendered media production, global film circulation, and transnational policy and data comparability.
Our colleagues from University of Rostock
Head researchers
Skadi Loist (University of Rostock, Germany)
Deb Verhoeven (Deakin University, Australia)
Members [in alphabetical order]
Colin Arrowmsith (RMIT University, Australia)
Bronwyn Coate (RMIT University, Australia)
Ben Eltham (Deakin University, Australia)
Stephan Görland (University of Rostock, Germany)
Christine Linke (University of Rostock, Germany)
Stuart Palmer (Deakin University, Australia)
Elizabeth Prommer (University of Rostock, Germany)
Heidrun Schumann (University of Rostock, Germany)
Digital Cinema Studies DICIS
DICIS is a scientific research network funded by the Research Foundation Flanders with international expertise on film and cinema studies crossing over to digital humanities to understand the use, contribution and meaning of the digital turn for the field of cinema studies
Circuits of Cinema: Methods & Cases for Histories of Film Distribution
This international, interdisciplinary project has been funded by the Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada
Paul S Moore, Ryerson University, Canada
Sébastien Caquard, Concordia University, Canada
Deb Verhoeven, Deakin University, Australia
Kathy Fuller-Seeley, U Texas Austin, United States
Project with Jeffrey Klenotic, U New Hampshire
Mapping Research Assistant: Aires Wang, Concordia