This page archives a project that was live on the Kinomatics site from 2014 to 2019.
Using a global dataset of information about cinema venues and showtimes (see The Kinomatics Project) we have ranked the cities of the world for their “cinemability”, their ability to support cinemagoing. We have collected data for 311 cities from 48 countries (spanning mainly Europe, North America, South America, Asia, and Australasia) around the world. The ten variables used in the index include the variety of films shown, the number of screenings, ticket prices, film festivals, and the presence of multiplex cinemas. City agglomerations defined by the United Nations with a population of over 1 million were used in the analysis and we hope to extend this to smaller cities and incorporate more variables in the near future. For a full explanation of the index see our Index Description.
We are also interested in what you think*
What factors do you think matter the most for calculating “cinemability”? Create
your own cinema city ranking by reordering the sliders to reflect your priorities
(0 for not important to 10 for very important). The different weightings you assign
to each variable will be collected and used to inform us of what the public think
are the most important aspects related to cinemagoing.
* The functionality captured in the video and pictures below was disabled after archiving the site in February 2019.

Coate, B., Verhoeven, D., & Davidson, A. (2017). The Cinema Cities Index: Comparing urban cinema cultures around the world. Media International Australia, 163(1), 163-175. doi: 10.1177/1329878X17693931
Jasmijn Post, August 7, 2014, Brussel is zevende cinemastad, Brussels This Week: Brussel Nieuws.
Concept and calculations for the Cinema Cities Index by the Kinomatics Team
Technical development by James Verhoeven
Website designed by Viveka de Costa
This research was supported under Australian Research Council’s Discovery Projects funding scheme (DP120101940)