Tag Archives: data

The hexagonal logo for the package. Contains the colours and piping shrike emblem of the South Australian flag, along with the package name.

A Rory by any other name… Introducing the southaussienames R package

We recently began the process of investigating the impact of gender in our new dataset of Australian film credits and immediately struck an unexpected problem. In addition to the challenges we already anticipated, such as the well-known limitations of trying to approximate gender based on first names there was another, less immediately apparent dilemma. For […]

graphic of blue and red nodes and edges; small German, UK and Canada flag

1.47 Million Euro Open Research Area Grant Awarded to Kinomatics Researchers

Professor Skadi Loist, Professor Deb Verhoeven, Professor Doris Ruth Eikhof , Professor Elizabeth Prommer and Dr Amanda Coles have been awarded a 1.47 million Euro Open Research Area Grant funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; Germany), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC; UK) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC, Canada) to develop […]


At the end of August, Screen Australia released a self-congratulatory media announcement claiming they had exceeded their (admittedly low) target of 25% participation for women in Australian screen production over the preceding three years (based on an industry initiative they called Gender Matters). We’ve been trying to crunch the data about gender in  Australian feature […]

The “Gender Offender” analysis: How and Why We Did It (Part Two)

Read Part One of this post here. PART 2. Visualising Male Producer Networks This aspect of the project was undertaken by Stuart Palmer. This data on creative roles in films contains within it the information to describe the networked structure of creative team relationships embodied in the film set analysed. Social network analysis (SNA) provides […]

The “Gender Offender” analysis: How and Why We Did It (Part One)

Introduction Deb Verhoeven Statistics describing the parlous conditions for women in the Australian film industry have been gathered and circulated for more than 30 years. As long as I have worked in and reported on the industry these statistics have barely deviated. In some cases they’ve become marginally worse. Furthermore, their repeated release has given […]

An outline for an intersectional feminist Digital Humanities

In September, Deb traveled to KU Leuven to give the opening keynote at a conference on Intersectionality in the Digital Humanities. Her focus was twofold, asking: What can we learn about intersectionality from working with our data and relatedly, What can we learn from intersectionality to understand our data better The presentation was principally concerned […]

The inaugural Kinomatics Symposium: Culture….Data → Meaning

Join us for a showcase of work produced by the Kinomatics research group that explores different aspects of the industrial geometry of culture. The first Kinomatics Symposium will highlight work undertaken in relation to the spatial and temporal dimensions of international film flow and also in relation to Australian live music gigs. The implications for […]