Kinomatics: the industrial geometry of culture

The Kinomatics Project collects, explores, analyses and represents data about the creative industries. Our research is collaborative and interdisciplinary. Our current focus is on the spatial and temporal dimensions of international film flow and the location of Australian live music gigs.

The inaugural Kinomatics Symposium: Culture….Data → Meaning

Join us for a showcase of work produced by the Kinomatics research group that explores different aspects of the industrial geometry of culture. The first Kinomatics Symposium will highlight work undertaken in relation to the spatial and temporal dimensions of international film flow and also in relation to Australian live music gigs. The implications for […]

Counting the cost of cinema ticket prices in Australia

Not ones to avoid a debate Deb and Bron have returned to the fray with another article on cinema ticket pricing, this time looking at how cinema ticket prices in Australia have increased in recent years and how the Aussie experience of price hikes compares to price increases internationally. Drawing on evidence sourced from Screen […]