Kinomatics: the industrial geometry of culture

The Kinomatics Project collects, explores, analyses and represents data about the creative industries. Our research is collaborative and interdisciplinary. Our current focus is on the spatial and temporal dimensions of international film flow and the location of Australian live music gigs.

The “Gender Offender” analysis: How and Why We Did It (Part Two)

Read Part One of this post here. PART 2. Visualising Male Producer Networks This aspect of the project was undertaken by Stuart Palmer. This data on creative roles in films contains within it the information to describe the networked structure of creative team relationships embodied in the film set analysed. Social network analysis (SNA) provides […]

The “Gender Offender” analysis: How and Why We Did It (Part One)

Introduction Deb Verhoeven Statistics describing the parlous conditions for women in the Australian film industry have been gathered and circulated for more than 30 years. As long as I have worked in and reported on the industry these statistics have barely deviated. In some cases they’ve become marginally worse. Furthermore, their repeated release has given […]

An outline for an intersectional feminist Digital Humanities

In September, Deb traveled to KU Leuven to give the opening keynote at a conference on Intersectionality in the Digital Humanities. Her focus was twofold, asking: What can we learn about intersectionality from working with our data and relatedly, What can we learn from intersectionality to understand our data better The presentation was principally concerned […]