Kinomatics: the industrial geometry of culture

The Kinomatics Project collects, explores, analyses and represents data about the creative industries. Our research is collaborative and interdisciplinary. Our current focus is on the spatial and temporal dimensions of international film flow and the location of Australian live music gigs.

Film Impact Rating (FIR) Generates an Impact Itself!

  In January members of the Kinomatics team (Deb, Alwyn and Bronwyn) had a research paper titled: Australian films at large: expanding the evidence about Australian cinema performance ,  published in Studies in Australasian Cinema. The paper proposes a new way to conceptualise the impact and success of film titles and unsurprisingly we’ve called the […]

kinomatics in the media

  The Kinomatics project has made it into the media this past few weeks. A story in Brussels news outlet Brussel Nieuws has picked up the impressive performance of Brussels in our Cinema Cities index. You can see the original article here: An English translation is here: And closer to home The Conversation […]