eResearch Australasia – 20-25 October 2013
Keynote Presentation –
Deb Verhoeven.
Deb has been invited to present at the upcoming eResearch Australasia Conference held in Brisbane from the 20-25 October 2013.
eResearch Australasia provides opportunities for delegates to engage, connect, and share their ideas and exemplars concerning new information centric research capabilities, and how information and communication technologies help researchers to collaborate, collect, manage, share, process, analyse, store, find, understand and re-use information.
Abstract: It ain’t over till the Big Data sings: Rethinking the production and delivery of eResearch
This presentation will outline how the digitisation of both the creative industries and contemporary eResearch practices bear on each other. How might the opportunities presented by an unprecedented proliferation of data enable innovative methods for studying and understanding the creative industries and creative labour, and conversely, how might we simultaneously understand the work of eResearch itself as increasingly ‘creative’. Taking the music industry as a case study, this presentation will explore how data about historical live music gigs in Melbourne can be analysed, extended and re-presented to create new insights. Using a unique process called ‘songification’ we will demonstrate how enhanced auditory data design can provide a medium for aural intuition.
The case study also illustrates the benefits of an expanded and inclusive view of eResearch; in which computation and communication, method and media, incombination enable us to explore the larger question of how we can employ technologies to produce, represent, analyze, deliver and exchange knowledge. It suggests this exchange in the broadest sense – beyond the domestic diversions of inter-disciplinarity. The key issue confronting eResearch is not the differences between academics but the perceived difference between academics as a whole and the community. This case study is a timely reflection on how our practices can lend weight to these perceptions and how an expanded and inclusive eResearch effort might redress them.
Warning: live music may be played in this session.
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