Kinomatics: the industrial geometry of culture

The Kinomatics Project collects, explores, analyses and represents data about the creative industries. Our research is collaborative and interdisciplinary. Our current focus is on the spatial and temporal dimensions of international film flow and the location of Australian live music gigs.

The Flow of Film Exhibition

There are two ways of considering the flow of film exhibition: geographically and temporally.  The following two visualisations of the film “Anna Karenina” which showed towards the end of 2012 through to mid-2013 illustrates geographic as well as temporal movement. Geographic The world map above shows the mean centre of screenings for Anna Karenina for […]

Digital Humanities Conference – 8-11 July 2014

We will be presenting our research at the upcoming leading international conference in Digital Humanities in Lausanne, Switzerland this July. Our research will focus on the tracking of films at a global scale and the relationship between remittances and film distribution. For information about the conference and program see the conference website. ABSTRACT: Kinomatics: big […]