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Kinomatics researchers win Top Paper at the 2022 ICA

Researchers Elizabeth Prommer, Deb Verhoeven and Skadi Loist won Top Media Industries Paper at the 2022 International Communication Association Conference for their paper “Creative Teams and Gender Inequality in the Screen Industry-A Social Network Approach.” This work applied Social Network Analysis to a dataset of German Film Producers, Directors and Writers from 2009 to 2016 […]

Why “add women and stir” won’t change gender inequality on corporate boards

Kinomatics researchers Deb Verhoeven and Katarzyna Musial along with UTS colleagues Gerhard Hambusch, Samir Ghannam & Mikhail Shashnov’s have published an important new work,  “Net effects: examining strategies for women’s inclusion and influence in ASX200 company boards”. The article, which has been downloaded almost 2500 times in just a few months, has made a splash by […]

New publication on gender inequality in the film festival sector

  In their paper The film festival sector and its networked structures of gender inequality Martha Emilie Ehrich, Katharina Burgdorf, Zhenya Samoilova and Skadi Loist investigate the extent to which the film festival sector is structured by gender bias. For this purpose, they conceptualize the festival sector as a one-mode network, consisting of film festivals […]